Exchanging Data with Server...

Training for use of the FUDSChem system is scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. These trainings will be continued indefinitely, so long as it is determined that there is a need within the user community. These training sessions are scheduled for two hours, but usually last one hour to one hour thirty minutes. Training titles and topics are tailored to a specific group. Participants are invited to join in for any or all sessions as applicable to them.

Additional group training sessions that include more topics at one time can be arranged by contacting Synectics at fuds.support@synectics.net. Brief descriptions of each training session can be found here. If you are unsure which session will be applicable to you, contact Synectics at the aforementioned email address.

Access Information

Meeting Link: dataservices.my.webex.com
Audio Connection: 510.338.9438
Meeting number - All Sessions: 182 977 0382
Meeting Password - All Sessions: FUDSChem

FUDSChem YouTube Channel

Training videos are available on the FUDSChem YouTube Channel, which is located here.

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